Individual or Group Day of Prayer visits only Monday-Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (based on availability).
Ruah provides facilitated time in prayer, solitude and silence for groups whose purpose is prayer, service, worship, healing, ministry to church and/or community, or spiritual growth and nourishment. Your group will meet together for short periods with a facilitator but input given is minimal and solely for the purpose of assisting each person to listen for God within one’s own heart.
Group Day of Prayer Group Overnight Retreat
Individuals may come for a few hours or a few days of prayer and solitude during which they will meet with a spiritual director. Individuals may set aside a few hours or a few days of prayer and solitude during which they will meet with a spiritual director.
Individual Day of Prayer Individual Overnight Retreat
Focus: Reflecting on the O' Antiphons and the Names and Titles of Jesus